The University of Pennsylvania should:
"Available scientific evidence indicates strongly that most fossil fuels must be left in the ground if there is to be any hope of meeting the 2°C goal regarded as the limit beyond which irreversible climate change can become catastrophic. At the same time, the major energy corporations are quite openly declaring their intentions of exploiting all the reserves available, and unearthing new ones. These decisions are driving the world to disaster. There is everyone reason to take whatever actions we can to divert them from this disastrous course. University disinvestment would be a welcome and significant step in this direction."
-Noam Chomsky, '55 "As a university professor and parent, I care deeply about the issue of climate change and believe strongly that divestment is one of many efforts that need to be taken to help solve this problem of global proportions. I HIGHLY support the work of Fossil Free Penn. Go Quakers!!"
-Anne O'Neil-Henry, '02 "As a scientist and a parent, I believe that doing whatever we can to prevent more extreme climate change, and to mitigate the damage that has already been irrevocably been set in motion, is the only responsible path. The window of opportunity to prevent unthinkable damage is short, but the consequences, for ill or good, will last for generations."
-Robin Eisman, ‘91 "The extraction and combustion of fossil fuels is driving economic, social, and ecological crises on an unprecedented scale. It is unconscionable for any institution purporting to provide global leadership to continue investing in fossil fuel. Please lead us in economic, social, and ecological renewal by completely disinvesting in fossil fuel financing and supporting truly renewable forms of energy."
-Mary Hufford, ‘89 |